
Monday, 9 January 2012

Happy New Year!

A little late I know but better late than never.

Hope you all had a lovely festive season and ate and drank far too much. Well I ate as much as I could (especially when Tom had bought me a metre of Jaffa Cakes, Yum). But I certainly wasn't drinking as I am now 4 months pregnant. Yippee!

I can't quite believe it has been four months already it has flown by and I'm nearly half way through. We now have a pretty tight deadline to get the house finished, aaahhh!

Here's a pic of the little wriggler, my dad (or grandad as I will have to refer to him now) has nicknamed it ducky because it looks like it has a beak, how rude!

Anyway I thought I should let you all know as you may notice my posts are interspersed with baby shopping and decorating tips and you might think I had got a bit obsessed.

Anyway hope you all had a good start to what will be a very exciting 2012.

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